The FLUSHINg remonstrance
The Flushing Remonstrance are the duo of Catherine Cramer (percussion, electronics) and Robert Kennedy (keyboards, electronics, voice). We compose and perform our own scores to films and screen the films with our live accompaniment.
We have been playing as a duo since 2015, and each of us has decades of experience performing experimental, improvised, jazz, electronic, and rock music. We invite you to listen and watch with open ears, open eyes, and open mind to what we do, and we hope that you enjoy it.
Catherine Cramer - percussion, electronics
Catherine Cramer has been playing percussion since her days as a dance accompanist at Sarah Lawrence College in the 1970s. After studying at Berklee College of Music, she went on to play in jazz, experimental, blues, and rock bands for over 20 years, collaborating with musicians such as Dick Johnson, Lou Columbo, Gray Sargent, and Eddie Higgins.
Robert Kennedy – keyboards, electronics, voice
Robert Kennedy has been playing keyboards in experimental, rock, and improvisation groups since the mid-1980s, as well as composing film and theater music and working in multimedia performances and sound installations. He has collaborated with a wide range of artists, including Ellen Fullman and Linda Montano, Jimmy Carl Black/The Grandmothers, Duo Zikr, Ronald Shannon Jackson, Pauline Oliveros, Psychic TV, Terry Riley, and Joseph Zitt.
The Flushing Remonstrance were recipients of a 2021 Queens Council on the Arts grant for musical excellence.
Upcoming shows
(see FULL CALENDAR for show details)
3/6/25 DRACULA: PAGES FROM A VIRGIN’S DIARY and GUY MADDIN RARETIES, Film Forum, Greenwich Village, Manhattan
3/26/25 THE LODGER: A STORY OF THE LONDON FOG, Cobble Hill Cinemas, Cobble Hill Brooklyn
4/23/25 DRACULA: PAGES FROM A VIRGIN’S DIARY and GUY MADDIN RARETIES, Nitehawk Cinema, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
April 2025 [TBD] LUCIFER RISING: A CELEBRATION OF KENNETH ANGER [Kenneth Anger films], Purgatory, Bushwick, Brooklyn
Aelita: Queen of Mars - Yakov Protazanov
The Blood of a Poet [Le Sang d'un Poète] – Jean Cocteau
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari [Das Cabinet der Dr. Caligari] – Robert Wiene
Cowards Bend The Knee – Guy Maddin
Dracula [Spanish version] - George Melford
Faust – F.W. Murnau
Man With A Movie Camera - Dziga Vertov
Metropolis - Fritz Lang
Nosferatu – F.W. Murnau
A Page of Madness [Kurutta Ichipeij] – Teinosuke Kinugasa
The Phantom of the Opera - Rupert Julian [Lon Chaney]
Salome - Charles Bryant
Sherlock Jr. - Buster Keaton
The Unknown - Tod Browning
Vampyr - Carl Theodor Dreyer
SHORT FILMS (Selected)
1734 - Joel Schlemowitz
Adebar – Peter Kubelka
Allegretto – Oskar Fischinger
Angelbubble - Joel Schlemowitz
Apollo - Tomonari Nishikawa
L'Araigenelephant - Piotr Kamler
At Land – Maya Deren
The Balloonatic - Buster Keaton/Edward F. Cline
Black Ice - Stan Brakhage
Black Widow - Thomas Blanchard
Blue Mountains Mystery Seance -Guy Maddin
Boneyard Angel - Hannah Subotnick
Boogie-Doodle - Norman McLaren
Box - Takashi Ito
Bridges-Go-Round - Shirley Clarke
By Night With Torch and Spear – Joseph Cornell
Channeled Energies - Joel Schlemowitz
Un Chien Andalou [An Andalusian Dog] - Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí
Chinese Series - Stan Brakhage
Chronozon (Dweller on the Threshold) - Raymond Salvatore Harmon
A Colour Box – Len Lye
Coney Island at Night, 1905 - Edwin S. Porter
Delicacies of Molten Horror Synapse - Stan Brakhage
Destino - Salvador Dali and Walt Disney
Dog Star Man [Part 4] - Stan Brakhage
Early Abstractions - Harry Smith
Eaux d'Artifice - Kenneth Anger
Energie! - Thorsten Fleisch
Enigma - Toshio Matsumoto
Ensemble for Somnambulists - Maya Deren
Entr’acte - René Clair
Eye Myth - Stan Brakhage
Eyewash – Robert Breer
Film - Alan Schneider [Samuel Beckett/Buster Keaton]
Fireworks - Kenneth Anger
From: First Hymn to the Night - Novalis - Stan Brakhage
The Garden of Earthly Delights - Stan Brakhage
Hand - Deanna Morse
Handzor Troix - Tristian Goik
The Heart of the World - Guy Maddin
Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome - Kenneth Anger
Invocation of My Demon Brother - Kenneth Anger
Le Labyrinthe - Piotr Kamler
La Mobilier Fidèle [The Automatic Moving Company] – Romeo Bossetti/Émile Cohl
The Life and Death of 9413: a Hollywood Extra - Robert Florey and Slavko Vorkapić
Lot in Sodom - James Sibley Watson and Melville Webber
Lucifer Rising - Kenneth Anger
Meshes of the Afternoon - Maya Deren
Mona Lisa - Toshio Matsumoto
Mothlight – Stan Brakhage
Možnosti Dialogu [Dimensions of Dialogue] - Jan Svankmajer
Nagisa - Yuki Tsuchiya
Night Music - Stan Brakhage
Odin’s Shield Maiden - Guy Maddin
Once A Chicken, Always A Chicken - Guy Maddin
Persian Series 1-3 - Stan Brakhage
Peyote Queen - Storm De Hirsch
Procession - Bulle Plexiglass
Psych-Burn - J.X. Williams
Rage Net - Stan Brakhage
Rainbow Dance - Len Lye
Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies - The Brothers Quay
Le Retour à la Raison [The Return to Reason] – Man Ray
Ritual in Transfigured Time - Maya Deren
Sappho and Jerry - Bruce Posner
Schwechater - Peter Kubelka
Send Me To The ‘Lectric Chair - Guy Maddin
Sisyphus - Marcell Jankovics
Six Men Getting Sick (Six Times) - David Lynch
Soil - Meejin Hong
Starcycle - Deanna Morse
Stellar - Stan Brakhage
Tal Farlow - Len Lye
Three Fragments of a Lost Tale – John Frame
Thunder - Takashi Ito
Trade Tattoo - Len Lye
Trumpet Island Host Seance - Guy Maddin
Umwelt - Yoshiyuki Katayama
The Very Eye of Night - Maya Deren
Le Voyage dans la Lune [A Trip to the Moon] - Georges Méliès
Water for Maya - Stan Brakhage
Witch’s Cradle - Maya Deren
Workbooks: Chimney/Rooster/Zookeeper - Guy Maddin
Dracula: Pages from a Virgin’s Diary - Guy Maddin
L'Inferno - Francesco Bertolini/Adolfo Padovan/Giuseppe De Liguoro
The Lodger; A Story of the London Fog - Alfred Hitchcock
Dog Star Man - Stan Brakhage
Haxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages – Benjamin Christensen
The Phantom Carriage [Körkarlen] - Victor Sjöström
THE FILMS OF CURTIS HARRINGTON - Curtis Harrington short films
THE FILMS OF CLIVE BARKER - early Clive Barker short films
THE FILMS OF HARRY SMITH - Harry Smith short films
We have a number of themed programs planned for future performance; we can also work with you to assemble programs/content of your choosing. Themed programs (previously performed and in development) include:
· Experimental Short Films (various eras and directors)
We assemble a custom short films program for each show. This program can be themed based upon appeal for a particular audience or screening location, program duration, subject matter, or to complement other aspects of the event or venue.
· Strange Animation – program of experimental/unusual animated shorts. Custom program for each show.
· New York City – program of experimental and historical short films featuring NYC as a subject/location and/or NYC-based filmmakers
· Director Program – program of films by a single director. We can assemble programs of specific directors' work depending upon content and interest.
Examples include: Maya Deren, Kenneth Anger, Stan Brakhage, Derek Jarman, Clive Barker, Harry Smith, Guy Maddin, and Curtis Harrington.
To contact The Flushing Remonstrance: info@flushingremonstrance.com
BOOKING: The Flushing Remonstrance will work with you and your venue to present a program that best suits your audience, space, venue, and programming. We can accommodate your suggestions for content for a specific performance, including selections from our repertoire of over 100 full-length and short films or with new material.
We can use your existing A/V equipment or backline or can provide our own sound system, projector, and screen as needed.
We also welcome opportunities to score and record soundtracks for film and video; please contact us and we’d be happy to discuss your project.
CONTACT: If you would like to receive notifications about upcoming performances and other news about The Flushing Remonstrance, please provide your information below. We will keep your information private.